DuEls - the film

Directed by Jonas Åkerlund

Choreographed by Damien Jalet and Erna Omarsdottir


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Nagelhus Schia Productions’ successful dance performance DuEls, that premiered in the Vigeland Museum in Oslo in February 2020, is to become a film directed by the renowned Swedish director Jonas Åkerlund.

Tickets were in great demand prior to the premiere in 2020, and extra performances were sold out in few hours. The performance garnered a fantastic review in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung among others, and won the prestigious Norwegian Subjekt prize for best stage performance later the same year. 

Due to the pandemic, and to reach a larger and broader audience, this project now becomes a film. The international film premiere is scheduled for 2023.

Collaboration with award-winning international director
Jonas Åkerlund is an internationally awarded director of feature films, documentaries, music videos, commercials, and stage shows. He is known for his distinctive storytelling and visually driven signature style that often pushes the boundaries of the status quo. 

Read the full press release here.


Forestillingssuksessen DuEls, som hadde premiere på Vigelandmuseet i februar 2020, blir nå til en dansefilm i regi av den svenske stjerneregissøren Jonas Åkerlund.

Det var stor rift om billettene i forkant av premieren i 2020. Ekstraforestillinger solgte ut på få timer. Forestillingen fikk rosende omtale i blant annet Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung og ble belønnet med Subjektprisen for «Årets scenekunst» samme år.

På grunn av smittevernrestriksjonene, og for å kunne nå et større og bredere publikum, blir dette prosjektet nå til en film. Den internasjonale filmpremieren er satt til 2023.

Prisvinnende svensk regissør med på laget
Jonas Åkerlund står for regien på produksjonen. Åkerlund er en prisvinnende svensk regissør, som jobber innenfor sjangrene spillefilm, dokumentar, musikkvideo, reklame og sceneshow. Han er kjent for en særegen historiefortelling og visuelt dreven fortellerstil som utfordrer status quo.

Les hele pressemeldingen her.

18 February 2024: AchtBerlin, Berlin, Germany
- 19 February 2024: Avant Première Music + Media Market, organized by IMZ International Music + Media Centre, Berlin, Germany
- 25 February 2024 - : NRK.no
- 6 April - 3 May 2024: Vega scene, Oslo, Norway
- 22-27 April 2024: Cineteca Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico
- 28 July 2024: ImPulsTanz-Vienna International Dance Festival, Austria
- 13 September 2024: Vigelandmuseet (Oslo Kulturnatt), Oslo, Norway
- 25 and 28 September 2024: Cinemateket, Trondheim, Norway
- 3-4 October 2024: Reykjavik International Film Festival (RIFF), Iceland
- 29-30 October 2024: Fifth Wall Fest, Manila, Phillipines
- 11 October-1 November 2024: Inspired Dance Film Festival, Australia
- 1 November-1 December 2024: Dansfilmfestivalen, Göteborg, Sweden, and Embassy of Sweden Habana, Cuba
- December 2024: Dans Camera Istanbul, Tyrkey
- 14 December 2024: Cannes World Film Festival, France
- 22/23 February 2025: ROLLOUT Dance Film Festival, Macau

Credits and funding

  • Directed by Jonas Åkerlund

  • Choreographed by Damien Jalet and Erna Omarsdottir

  • With dancers from Nagelhus Schia Productions and Iceland Dance Company

  • Produced by Nagelhus Schia Productions in collaboration with 4 ½ Fiction AS and M12 Studios

  • Co-produced by Iceland Dance Company and The Vigeland Museum

  • The film is made possible with the financial support of Bærum kommune, Viken fylkeskommune, Talent Norge and Sparebankstiftelsen DNB