
Choreography by Damien Jalet and Erna Omarsdottir


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DuEls is a journey through the Vigeland Museum choreographed by Belgian and French choreographer Damien Jalet and Erna Omarsdottir from Iceland, performed by dancers from Nagelhus Schia Productions and Iceland Dance Company.

Through a series of short and visceral pieces performed in the form of a tour performance through the museum's various rooms, the dance contributes to release the concentrated energy in Gustav Vigeland's sculptures. By embracing the mythological nature of the sculptures, the dancers use their ephemeral bodies to portray the duality and inner struggles of Vigeland's immortal sculptures.

DuEls won the Subjekt prize 2020 as stage production of the year.


DuEls er en reise i Vigeland-museet koreografert av fransk-belgiske Damien Jalet og islandske Erna Omarsdottir, fremført av dansere fra Nagelhus Schia Productions og Iceland Dance Company.

Gjennom en serie korte og viscerale stykker fremført i form av en vandreforestilling gjennom museets ulike saler, bidrar dansen til å frigjøre den konsentrerte energien i Gustav Vigelands skulpturer. Ved å omfavne skulpturenes mytologiske egenskaper, bruker danserne sine levende og forgjengelige kropper til å portrettere dualiteten og de indre kampene i Vigelands udødelige skulpturer.

DuEls vant Subjektprisen 2020 i kategorien Årets scenekunst.

Date & time:

Saturday 1 February 2020, 18:00 / 20:00
Sunday 2 February 2020, 18:00 / 20:00
Monday 3 February 2020, 18:00
Tuesday 4 February 2020, 18:00 / 20:00

60 minutes 


Vigeland Museum / TicketCo



Damien Jalet and Erna Omarsdottir

Jacopo da Bologna, Ben Frost, Valdimar Johannsson, Thom Yorke (Radiohead)

Song: Miriam Andersén, Jon Filip Fahlstrøm, Catharina Vehre Gresslien 

Thyri Huld Arnadottir, Jon Filip Fahlstrøm, Catharina Vehre Gresslien, Christina Guieb, Shintaro Oue, Erna Omarsdottir, Elin Signy Ragnarsdottir, Guro Nagelhus Schia, Vebjørn Sundby, Halla Thordardottir

AMP dancers:
Judith Arupa, Stian Bergdølmo, David Forsberg, Anna Froysland, Nadege Kubwayo, Vilja Kwasny, Benjamin Larsen, Hanne Svenning

Rehearsal director IDC:
Kata Ingva

Rehearsal assistants:
Jon Filip Fahlstrøm, Halla Thordardottir

Lighting design:
Martin Flack

Sound design:
Terje Wessel Øverland

Alexandra Gilbert, Line Maher, Giulia Piersanti, Undercover/Jun Takahashi

Antero Hein, Valdimar Johannsson

Director Vigeland Museum:
Jarle Strømodden

Head of Operations and Security Vigeland Museum:
Jon TT Brandsnes

Project manager:
Kristin Hjort Inao

Tara Ishizuka Hassel

Produced by:
Nagelhus Schia Productions

Co-produced by:
Iceland Dance Company, The Vigeland Museum and Bærum Kulturhus