Morten Pettersen
Photo: Morten Pettersen
Morten graduated from Norsk Lydskole (sound designer and composer) in 1993, with specialisation in music technology.
Morten runs Lydlosjen in Oslo on a daily basis. Lydlosjen is a studio that has special expertise within the field of performing arts. In addition to being a fully equipped sound studio, Lydlosjen also has long track experience in creating sound design, as well as facilitating and executing the complete technical aspect of a production.
As a composer he mainly works with composition of
electro-acoustic music and sound design for a wide range
of performing arts formats.
Since 1994 he has worked as a sound designer for Ingun Bjørnsgaard Prosjekt, Verdensteatret, Zero Visibility Corp., Carte Blanche and Toyboys, among others. In addition, he has delivered sound design for Teater Ibsen, Trøndelag Teater
and Riksteatret.